Our Boards

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A Strong Strategic Approach

Ocean Housing Group Board

The two subsidiary companies have a great deal of independence but ultimately, the responsibility and accountability for all activities, strategic direction and policies of the Group, rest with the Ocean Housing Group Board.

Company Boards

Each Group company has its own Board that provides strong strategic vision and control. Board Membership comprises a combination of non-executives and executives, with tenants represented on the Board of Ocean Housing Limited.

Our existing systems and procedures are well developed with responsive day to day management decisions being made by the Executive Group and Senior Management Staff.

The Boards continue to develop a strong and informed style of management, ensuring procedures are in place to enable continual monitoring of achievements and compliance with appropriate standards. This is done to evidence accountability and to respond to scrutiny and challenge from our tenants and residents. In particular, our published Service Standards will continue to evolve, in partnership with tenants and residents, Boards and staff, to set new and improved levels of service.

Our commercial activities focus on creating profits to reinvest in our core social business activities, facilitate additional improvements in homes, services, communities, the environment, employment and training.

Ocean Housing Group Ltd. is a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales, Registration No. 05000720.

Together with Ocean Group (TWO)

Entirely resident led, the Together with Ocean Group (TWO) provides the ideal opportunity for tenants and residents to get involved in policy decisions, procedures, results monitoring and strategies. TWO meet with the Group’s Boards twice per year.

The Group also have ownership of the Treasure Chest initiative, granting communities and neighbourhoods much needed funding for their own events.

It was created by our tenants and residents in September 2020 following a review of our existing tenant panels. The group meet monthly, virtually using Teams and in person and all who participate are gold members of the Tenant and Resident Partnership.

They complete some of the following key activities:

  • Reviews the performance of our services and the decisions affecting tenants.
  • Monitors service standards and performance against targets.
  • Identifies areas that Ocean are doing well in, and areas that could be improved.
  • Organises Scrutiny Panel reviews to look into services in greater depth.

Mission Statement

As a member of TWO we will monitor, scrutinise and challenge as necessary all aspects of Ocean:

  • To ensure standards are maintained with efficiency and Value for Money
  • To instigate scrutiny reviews and working procedures, through the Scrutiny Panel, then discuss findings and forward reports to Ocean.


    Ocean Group Board

    Ocean Housing Board

    Gilbert & Goode Board

    Group Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee

    Nominations and Remuneration Committee

    Together With Ocean Panel

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